Joke – Mouse in a Pocket
Llego un señor bien triston a la cantina, verdad, a tomar se un pinche vino. dice Dame dos vinos uno grande y un chiquito. Y luego ya que le dio dos shots, se hecho el vino grande por la boca y luego se hecho el chiquito a la bolsa. Y luego dice Ese viejo esta loco. ¿Como que se hecha uno a la boca y otro a la bolsa? Yo le voy a sacar la verdad. Dame otros dos vinos uno grande y uno chiquito. Y luego ya se hecho su vino grande a la boca y el otro se lo hecho a la bolsa de la camisa. Ya el cantinero estaba enojado pos porque no le dicia nada. Dice Deme otro vino vien grandote y uno vien chiquito. Y el grande se lo hecha a la boca y el chiquillo se lo hecha a la bolsa. Y luego ya que el cantinero empeso Ahh pinche viejo boracho vas a ver. No me quieres decir que traes. Sabe que pinche cantinero, chinga a su madre! y entonces salio el ratonsito de la bolsa y dice si tiene gato, digale que chingue a su madre tambien! Tienia un ratonsito en la bolsa, era el que se estaba tomandose el otro vino.
A man arrived very sad to the tavern, right, to drink a damn shot. He says Give me two shots one large and one small. And after he got the two shots, he drinks the large shot and dumps the small shot in his pocket. And then the bartender says That old man is crazy. Why is he going to drink one shot and dump the other in his pocket? I am going to get the truth from him. Give me another two shots, one large and one small. And then he drinks the large shot and dumps the small one into his shirt pocket. Now the bartender was getting angry because the man wouldnt give him a reason. He says Give me another shot, one really big one and one really small one. And then the drinks down the big and and dumps the small one into his pocket. And then the bartender says Ahh damn drunken old man you are going to see. You dont want to tell me whats up with you. You know what you damn bartender, screw your mother! and then the little mouse comes out of the shirt pocket and says If you have cat a, tell him to screw its mother too! He had a little mouse in his pocket and it was the one drinking the small shot.
Alfredo heard this joke while drinking with a few friends. He says there really isnt a moral to the story, just for laughs. If anything, do not be nosey because its none of your business and something unexpected may happen.
This joke is an example of the alcoholism that goes on in Mexico. Here the man goes to have a drink since he is sad. He also has a hidden companion in his pocket. Possibly because he does not want to drink alone since he is sad.
Also, this joke shows how both alcoholism goes hand in hand with vulgarity and violence. After having a few drinks and being annoyed, the man decides to curse out and talk bad about the bartenders mother. The words he says are words that usually spark emotions because the mother is not to be talked bad about in the Mexican culture. Since the mothers are usually housewives, kids get attached to their mothers and feel they must protect them. That is why the statement by the man was so offensive. Even the little mouse wanted in on the violence since the bartender was not letting them drink in peace.
The fact that the little mouse is in the story gives it a fairy tale qualification. The mouse both drinks and talks like a human when in reality they cannot do so. His purpose serves to teach people not to be nosey and mind their own business.
Also the notion of the number 3 appears in the story. It wasnt until the third time he asked for drinks did the punch line come into play. Furthermore, this joke is an example of where the major twist comes during the punch line.