Informant Description/ Context of performance: This is a lullaby that was sung to my friend every night when she was a child. Her mom and dad sang it to her and her little sister; her grandma sang it to her mother.
Gonjeeshkakeh ashi mashee
Labebooyeh mah nashee
Baroon meyad tam meeshee
Barf meeyad gooleh meeshee
Meeyoftee too hoseh nagashee
Daret meeyareh
Havash bashee
Booset mekoneh va looset meekoneh, va paret meedeh ashi mashee
Little sparrow, little sparrow
Don’t land on my rooftop edge
It’s going to rain and you’ll get wet
It’s going to snow and you’ll turn into a snow ball
And you’ll slip into the painted piscine
The groundskeeper will pull you out
The doctor will cuddle you
The mediator will kiss you and spoil you and let you FLY!
Conclusion (written by Interviewer):
I found this lullaby very interesting and different from most other lullabies. For example, most well-known lullabies like “Go to Sleep Little Baby” have lyrics about going to sleep or falling asleep. This lullaby is very soothing and light in its tone and performance; however, its literal translation has nothing to do with falling asleep. The song is about comforting the listener, which begs the question – did it actually originate with the intention of being a lullaby? It seems like it could be a child’s song, not necessarily a lullaby.