Joke – Mexican

Nationality: Mexican
Age: 48
Occupation: Machinist
Residence: Inglewood, CA
Performance Date: April 03, 2008
Primary Language: Samoan

Joke – Macho Death

Bueno este era un vato que segun era muy macho macho macho esos que mataban y enterraban. Y una vez entro a una cantina y llego abriendo puerta de par en par haci y el primer vato que miro alli, tenia su cerveza en la mano se la agarro y se la pistio y le dice “¿Que? ¿No le gustó?” y el otro le dijo “Pos no” y lo agarro y le dío fregasos, lo madrio. Y luego sigue pa delante sigue a la otra mesa y ta otro y luego tambien a el le agarra la cerveza y se la pistea “¿Que? ¿No le gustó?” “Pos no compa.” Pos lo agarra y lo agarra a madrasos. Y haci se fue hasta llegar a el frente de la barra. Alli en la barra estaba un senor ayi sentado hechando tambien su cerveza. El luego le agarra su cerveza y se lo pistio. “¿Que? ¿No le gustó?” “No” dice “compa, no cabe duda que alcabo no es mi dia.” Dice “¿Por que?” “Porque mire, a hoy se me quemo mi casa, mis hijos y mi mujer estaban adentro, y pa cabar de fregar, el vaso que se esta pisteando le puse veneno pa matarme yo solo.” Y el vato se murio solo.

Well, this was a guy that was supposed to be macho, the type that killed and buried. And once he entered a tavern and he came in opening the doors evenly and the first dude that he saw there had his beer in his hand and he took it from him and powered it and says “What! You didn’t like that?” and the other says “Well no” and so he grabs him and beats him down, he messed him up. And then continues forward to the other table and there’s another and he also grabs his beer and powers it “What! You didn’t like that?” “Well no homie” so he gets him and gives him some heavy blows.  And he continued so until arriving at the front of the bar.  There at the bar was a man  seated also taking in his beer. Then he grabs his beer and powers it.  “What! You didn’t like that?”  “No” he says says “homie, there is no doubt snce it has not been my day.” He says “Why?”  “Because look, today my house burned down, my children and my woman were inside, and to top it all off, I put poison in glass that you are drinking to kill myself.”  And the guy died himself.

Adan says that this is just a joke he heard while sharing jokes with some friends while drinking. He says that if there is a moral to this story, it is that you should not go around drinking other people’s drinks because they might not be what you think. Also if you go around doing that, you might run into someone who is bigger and stronger than you are or those people might call people to retaliate, so watch out.

I think this story deals with the machismo that goes on in Mexico. There are always those tough guys that like to try and impose their will on others due to their own strength or the people they know. This piece is a great example of someone getting what they deserve.

Also the notion of the number ‘3’ appears in the story. It wasn’t until the third case where the macho man drinks the poison. Furthermore, this joke is an example of where the major twist comes during the punch line.