Note: The form of this submission includes the dialogue between the informant and I before the cutoff (as you’ll see if you scroll down), as well as my own thoughts and other notes on the piece after the cutoff. The italics within the dialogue between the informant and I (before the cutoff) is where and what kind of direction I offered the informant whilst collecting.
Informant’s Background:
My mother’s mother’s mother and even from before her are from Hawaii but some England roots are interjected into the bloodline as well. My mother’s father’s father’s father hails half from Hawaii and the other half from China and Portugal. But what is funny about most Hawaiians, is that they are not only Hawaiian. They are also Caucasian, Portuguese, Chinese, Filipino, Samoan, Japanese, Korean, e.t.c…….Plantation workers were brought in to work the sugar and pineapple fields and they brought their culture with them.
Piece and Full Translation Scheme of Folk Speech:
Original Script: I maika’i ke kalo i ka ‘oha
Transliteration: I maika’i ke kalo i ka ‘oha
Translation: The goodness of the taro is judged by the young plant it produces.
Piece Background Information:
“ I maika’i ke kalo i ka ‘oha ” basically means that “parents are often judged by the behavior of their children”.
Context of Performance:
Via email.