
Age: 22
Occupation: Student
Residence: Los Angeles, CA
Performance Date: March 15, 2007
Primary Language: English

Kappa Alpha Theta Sisterhood Song

We are the best

We are the K A T

We make up

The best sorority

You can try

But you can’t match the fun

Cuz Kappa Alpha Theta’s always number one!

We got swing

No one else is better

And we’re always hot no matter what the weather

We the top the list

The cream of the crop

Kappa Alpha Theta is the top!

She’s a Kappa Alpha Theta

Cute little lass

She’s a Kappa Alpha Theta

Notice her class

She’s a Kappa Alpha Theta

Doin’ it right

She’s a Kappa Alpha Theta

Wearin’ her kite, yeah!

Kristin Boyert pledged the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority at Southern Methodist University in Fall 2003 and transferred to the University of Southern California two years later.  She is now an active member of Theta at USC and has focused a lot of effort on philanthropies and rush. The Theta sisterhood song is recited at special events such as bid night in order to generate excitement. This song, however, was much more prominent at Southern Methodist and is not sang very often at USC.

Unlike the songs at rush that are humbly designed to impress girls, this song is a declaration of superiority, aimed at making the new initiates excited about their new status within the sorority. It describes the Thetas as well-balanced girls (class, attractive, fun) who are the envy of the other sororities and coveted by the men. While it is understandable that sororities have tremendous pride and tradition, songs like this help to explain the resentment that often develops between members of different sororities. Although girls may feel like their association to the group makes them superior to others, the reality is that any two girls could have easily ended up in the same sorority during rush. As a USC Greek, I have directly seen this out-group bias (and have sometimes been guilty of it myself), and while I have tremendous faith in the Greek system, this song certainly indicates the resentment potentially fostered amongst the row.