Category Archives: general

Ghost Dog

my dog passed away cause he had cancer so we had to put him down which was really horrible because i had him since i was like seven. what had happened was he we had to put him down and it was the worst fuckin day ever. then i went to rehearsal and did all my regular stuff and then that night, he usually slept on my bed, so i decided to sleep on the couch cause i couldn’t handle sleeping on my bed without him. so i slept in the couch and i got woken up at i think like 3 or 4 in the morning because i heard his collar single behind me and i felt him sniff me. and i turned around and i was gonna pet him, then i remember he was dead and i sat straight up and immediately started crying for my mom, which was funny cause it was only 3/4 years ago. and she was comforting me and my sister heard the ruckus and she came out to the living room and she was like what happened and i was like i heard chaskas collar behind me and i heard him sniff me but he’s dead and she was like you know what i thought i felt something too but i didn’t wanna freak about it, cause she’s more level headed than i am. but around the same time, around 3 or 4, she told me (cause she usually sleeps with her door closed because she knew that he’d be fine sleeping in my room) but in the morning if me and him got up in the morning before she did he’d go say hi to my mom then he’d try to stick his nose under tayas door. he was a boxer so when he’d sniff he’d snort. so every morning he snorted under her door then he’d go about his merry way. she said that at the same time i began to freak out she also heard his color outside of her door then heard him sniff under her door. –

An Ancestral Possession


I asked the subject if he’s had any encounters with spirits and if he would like to share. He said of course and gave me the synopsis of 3 options to choose from. I asked him to recite the story you read above because he experienced it first-hand and it was a story that held many morals that hold true with other ancestral ghost stories as well as the culture my interviewee grew up in.

R is the interviewee, A.K is the interviewer.


[R] This is the time when my grandpa was on death bed and uh and everyone was there, all the family was there, and as soon as my grandpa passed away, then, uh,  my, uh, papa’s younger brother- he started acting a little bit differently and he started speaking in my grandpa’s tone- when she had passed away before my grandfather. My grandma, basically, she was inside my dad’s brother and he started speaking in my grandma’s tone and saying that, oh, uh, I wanted to see how my grandpa was leaving this world And so that’s why she came- she wanted to experience that. My dad’s younger brother– he was crying and talking in her tone and crying. So for 5/10 minutes, he was like my grandma- behaving like how my grandma would behave if she was in the world. After 10 minutes or so, she basically left his body and he was normal. This was more than 30 years back. 

[A.K] But you were there?

[R] I was there, yes.

[A.K] How old were you?

[R] I was in, uh, 8th grade. Yeah

[A.K] And you saw it happen?

[R] I saw it happen, yeah.

[A.K] Did you realize what was happening [in the moment]?

[R] I realized something was not normal, but at that time, everyone was going with the flow. I was told later that my grandmother was there in his body. There was many people- everyone was there at that time.

Their thoughts on the story:

[A.K] So why do you think it happened?

[R] So, in Hindu mythology, uh, religion, we believe that- that- soul, we call it as “athma”, it never dies. But then, if the soul never gets peace, then they are basically traveling in the world only. They haven’t gotten peace, so they will find a way to travel and come back to the family and then say what they need. THey may help also- they will come back and forth and back and forth. Also in our Hindu mythology, we say that when your parents die, like both your mother and father, you should do “Pind Daan”. There is a place in India to liberate the soul and they never come back. My dad and the younger brother- my dad’s younger brother- after a few years, they did Pind Daan and my grandma never came back. I think she’s in peace and she never came back. 

[A.K] Do you know why she wasn’t at peace?

[R] She might have had some unfinished business to take care of. That’s what we believe.

My own thoughts:

First and foremost, I think it is very interesting that the interviewee brought up “unfinished business” as a reason for why his grandmother was not able to rest in peace because it is a motif that comes up constantly in studying ghost stories in class and across cultures. 

I chose this subject to tell their story because I knew it would relate directly to their culture. Despite, in class, us briefly discussing how in faiths like Hinduism have no space to logically believe in ghosts because of their beliefs in reincarnation, this subject tells me that many, if not the majority of, Hindus believe in ghosts and have had encounters with spirits before. Despite logic, the majority of individuals believe or have seen ghosts– a common dichotomy seen in many other cultures as well. 

The “Pind Daan” ritual in Hinduism reminds me of another classic motif when analyzing ghost stories- improper burial and rituals. Although the ghost was given a proper burial, in order to fully exercise it, the subject’s family had to perform a ritual to properly send the spirit off. In Hinduism, Pind Daan is a part of a proper send-off, and, therefore, is a part of what makes a proper burial, so it is understandable why the spirit stayed in the real world prior to the ritual– it hadn’t received a full send-off ritual.

The Ghost of Bob

Recently, my good friend M.M. was hospitalized with severe pneumonia. When I traveled home for Fall Break, I visited him in the hospital, where his mom, J.M., was also keeping him company. With not much else to do, we spent a lot of time talking, and at one point, I asked if they had any ghost stories. It turned out that J.M. had quite a few, and one of them stood out in particular.

“Well I’m not sure if M.M. told you this, but our old house, back in Illinois, was haunted! The previous owners wife had died of cancer and the husband ended up committing suicide because of that. He actually hung himself in one of the doorways. Creepy right? But we didn’t think too much of it. It was a good house for the price. Anyways, soon after we moved in we’d begin to see a man through the windows. He always wore a blue polo shirt, a Titleist hat, a big gold watch, and he had golden arm hair. At first, I thought he was a neighbor just wandering too close to the property or something, but by the time I got outside to see what was going on, he’d be gone. It was really weird so one day I asked one of our neighbors, “Hey, have you seen a guy in a blue polo and a Titleist hat around here?” And she got this weird look on her face and said, “Oh, that’s Bob!” Turns out Bob was the husband that had killed himself! Evidently he always wore polos, a Titleist hat, and a gold watch. It gave me chills, honestly. I mean, how do you explain that? And it wasn’t just the sightings, things around the house would always move. Stuff I knew l’d left in one spot would end up across the room. Papers from the desk would be scattered all over the floor, or things would show up on a high shelf that I could barely reach. It was like Bob was always playing pranks on us. It wasn’t scary, just… annoying. We thought it might have been the cat at first, but it just kept happening and it was so strange. But we got used to it l guess. It just became a part of living there. Every now and then, I’d see Bob through the window or feel his eerie presence in the room with me. I still don’t know what to make of it. I don’t even know if I believe in ghosts, but how do you explain that, you know? But once we moved to Michigan, no more Bob, no more annoying pranks. Sometimes I wonder if the new owners have seen Bob, or if he finally found some peace.” 

I find this story fascinating and was not expecting such a chilling response from my friend’s mom. It is both eerie and intriguing, filled with classic ghost story motifs like a haunted house, mysterious sightings, and a restless spirit tied to tragedy and loss. The fact that Bob’s presence was more mischievous than malevolent makes it even more interesting. It makes me wonder how many other untold memorates like this are hidden in everyday conversations, waiting to be discovered.

Haunted Valley in Los Angeles

AGE: 18
Date_of_performance: November 18,2024
Informant Name: Henry Dearborn
Language: English
Collector’s name: Sunghun Park
Nationality: American
Occupation: Student
Primary Language: English
Residence: USC

Main description:

HD: So my parents like to tell me that our house is haunted. um I grew up in a house built in the 1940s in the foothills of Los Angeles and it’s funny because they’ll bring it up at random times. You know, we’ll just be at dinner and they’ll be like, oh yeah, and the ghost at our house and I’m like, what? But one of the stories they’d told was um about how they would be getting ready for bed and uh they’d go to sleep, you know, on any given weekday, you know, and in the middle of the night, they’d hear a knocking. It’s loud as could be from the front door, and they’d get up, they’d be startled, they get up, they go check the door, they open it. Nothing, no one there. And they said this happens to them like every week. And I’m like, what? Because I didn’t I had never experienced anything like that. I mean, there was always the odd, you know, hairs on the back of my neck when I was alone in the room sort of thing. And my door slammed shut randomly, which is really freaky. But, you know, that that sounded very serious. And so they were like, let’s get a ring doorbell camera. And I was like, oh, okay, yeah, that’ll that’ll solve it. And we got a ring doorbell camera and we put it because they were they thought it was something somebody real. And the ring doorbell that we set it up and one night, the knocking came and it went, and in the morning they checked the ring door bell, and the tape froze. at like one in the morning, just before the knocking. Like it wouldn’t play anything past that. So that was freaky. um I should ask them if if they still hear the knocking, because that’s really creepy. And yeah, I don’t know. That’s my ghost story.


MP: So do you think the knocking sound and the camera stopping are due to something supernatural or just a coincidence?

HD: Honestly, I still have no idea what it was. I mean it still gives me goosebumps, especially when I think about it freezing. It could be a technical glitch or a real ghost. My parents always bring it up at family gatherings. However, given that nothing much has happened since then, I think it is a little far from a supernatural phenomenon. 


I think HD’s story is more of a paranormal thing than a coincidence, as physical things like door slams and sudden doorbell camera freeze happening together. A weekly knock suggests a pattern, especially when you might see the doorbell camera frozen because ghosts might’ve been interrupting something. This fits the common ghost theme of the soul interacting with its surroundings. HD seems skeptical, but I think the recurring pattern of events really shows that it may be related to home and other paranormal beings.

Water Ghost

AGE: 56
Date_of_performance: November 27, 2024
Informant Name: Jongsoo Park
Language: Korean
Collector’s name: Sunghun Park
Nationality: South Korean
Occupation: Businessman
Primary Language: Korean
Other language: English
Residence: Busan, South Korea

Main description:

JP: It was 27 years ago when I was serving in the military in Gangwon Province. Then, a serious rainy season came for a while. I thought that this rainy season would reduce work because it was early on my duty at that time. 

However, with a lot of serious rain, I started to have more things to do. There were even floods and casualties. My unit started to help local firefighters and help restore small villages. The first thing I had to do was find the missing person. While traveling with Sergeant Park on a boat, I found what appeared to be a human head among the reeds. But Sergeant Park kept saying no, in an uncharacteristically hard-line manner. 

Later, when I told the other firefighters about this, one of them asked where it was. The next day, the firefighter who asked where he was went missing during a search operation. In the midst of shock, Sergeant Park kept muttering that the body in the water could not stand upright, and that it could be a ‘water ghost’ who wanted to ascend by making another victim when he got close. After a few days, the village recovered normally, but the firefighter was not found. Years later, the area still experiences strange drowning once in a while. Even today, the incident and something in the water keep popping up in my mind every time I visit again. 


MP: Do you think the weird thing you witnessed during the finding missing person process was really a water ghost or do you think there’s a more substantial explanation?

JP: I’ve been thinking since it happened that it really was a water ghost. Given what I saw and the firefighter’s disappearance since I brought it up, I don’t think those two things can happen by accident. And even the Sergeant Park’s claim about the water ghost, I think what I saw that day was really a water ghost and why the firefighter who was going to check it went missing. 


The story is deeply related to the ‘water ghost’ that has been discussed a lot since ancient times in Korea. These events, such as seeing a head among reeds, the disappearance of a firefighter, and the warning of Sergeant Park, are other supernatural phenomena that JP cannot understand. The core of many ghost stories is the soul trapped in a certain place for a certain reason, and repeated drownings in this area might be the proof of this. The story as a whole really suggests that JP has witnessed supernatural warnings linked to the local faith.